Saturday 3 October 2009

Fans group together to buy Tilson new cat

Southend fans bemused by the continual omission of attacking midfielder Lee Sawyer have grouped together to buy Southend manager Steve "Tilly" Tilson a new cat.

The cat is to replace the one Lee "Asbo" Sawyer presumably ran over on his grifter.

The kitten is to be called Macca so Tilly won't drop it.

Refs refuse to apologise

The referees for last Saturday's game against Oldham and Tuesday night's trip to Brentford have controversially refused to follow the precedent set by Mick Russell, of apologising for a diabolical performance.

Earlier this season Russell was man enough to admit that he got three critical decisions wrong in Southend's 2-1 defeat at Swindon when he sent off Jean-Francois Christophe for being hacked, missed two blatant fouls in the build up to Swindon's first goal and then turned down a penalty for a clear foul of Franck Moussa.

However referee Keith Hill lived up to his reputation with an overly fussy performance in which football was only occasionally allowed to punctuate the constant flow of the referee's whistle. He then capped off a typically inept display with a controversial penalty. On-lookers suggested that Hill, who suffers from the disability of being crap, may have been blinded by Oldham's radioactive kit.

Oldham manager Dave Penney defended Oldham's kit saying that he designed it himself and you try coming up with a better one (including a goalkeepers' shirt) in 5 minutes using just highlighter pens.

Keith Hill's guide-dog was unavailable for comment.

God knows what the excuse for Tuesday night's ref was though.