Monday 9 November 2009

Club embrace technology: is Ron Martin a twit?

After a turbulent couple of weeks - if not months - Southend chairman Ron Martin, appears keen to look to the future.

The former Olympian has, despite recently spurning the media, previously been keen on embracing new media - such as his ill-advised venture in blogging culminating in the transfer deadline Night of the Long Knives, now he appears to be set to move into the world of twittering.

Whilst Ron has still officially to sign up for an account - tellingly "becauseImworthit" has still to be taken - the club's latest statements have all been provided in twitter compliant format.

Phil Christopher's Southend Afternoon Echo Sportsdesk blog can exclusively reveal that this is the reason behind the lack of explanation regarding the financial turmoil that has been causing much anguish at the club of late. Instead of a proper explanation fans were told:

"For completeness we can confirm all action by HMRC was dismissed at this am's hearing following release of funds by the Club's Chairman over the weekend. This brings the matter to a close. Love Ron xxx"

Anonymous sources at the club confirmed "Ron is keen to explain all but he finds the 140 character limitation precisely that: a limitation. That sentence alone is over 100 characters so that really doesn't leave much space to blame all the people that Ron wants to blame, so for now Ron will just say nothing."

For now Southend fans will have to do with explanations shorter than Derek Payne and just as frustratingly inept.


Whilst Ron Martin is still to provide his twitter details, you can follow the Southend Afternoon Echo Sportsdesk's star reporter, Phil Christophers at You know it makes sense.

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